
What Counts as Sexual Harassment in California?
Every person who works in an office or other work environment should have some idea of what sexual harassment is - and if they do not, their HR team should rectify that - but what is the line between behavior that is annoying and harmful but not legally actionable and...
CA Worker Being Paid Less Than Co-Workers Based on Gender, Race, or Religion? Read Here
You may have heard discussed in the news talk of lack of equal pay between men and women for the same work, and what the federal government should or should not do about it. But in California, our state law already provides employees with some of the strongest...
How to Class Action Lawsuits Work
Bought a Samsung Refrigerator With a Defective Ice Maker? Read This
Have you spent thousands of dollars on a brand-new Samsung refrigerator, only to find that that your expensive refrigerator fails to make ice cubes properly? You are not alone. Thousands of consumers have reported that ice makers on their Samsung refrigerator/freezer...
Can You Sue if a Food Product is Mislabeled as Fat-Free?
One of the more memorable Seinfeld episodes is the “The Non-Fat Yogurt” episode from 1993, in which Jerry and Elaine are horrified to learn that they are actually gaining weight from eating what was advertised as fat-free yogurt, but which in reality was full of fat....