How Many Days of Paid Sick Leave Am I Entitled To in California?
When an individual or their family member gets sick or has other health and wellness matters to attend to (pregnancy or a new birth), the stress and obligations of that can be exacerbated by worry about work. A main concern of workers is whether they will lose wages...
Signs and Symptoms of Elder Abuse From Nursing Homes or Caretakers
Although statistics tell us that as many as 1 in 10 elderly people suffer elder abuse at the hands of another, very few elder abuse victims bring elder abuse lawsuits against their abusers and their employers. There are many reasons for this, but one significant...
What Are Examples of Wrongful Death Claims?
To put it bluntly, all of us have limited life spans and we will all eventually expire from some kind of breakdown in our physical capacities brought on by both external and internal forces. And most deaths that occur would not form the grounds of a wrongful death...
Who Would Be at Fault in a Car Accident Involving Self-Driving Cars?
Only a few years ago, self-driving cars were simply the stuff of science fiction movies like Total Recall, but now self-driving cars are already on our roads (and even causing accidents like the March 2017 accident that led to Uber suspending its self-driving pilot...
Anatomy of a Car Accident Lawsuit
For as many car accidents as we see every day in Southern California, the fact is most people will make it through their lives without having a single car accident that results in a lawsuit. But as a personal injury attorney in Claremont, California who regularly...