
Calculating Damages in a Car Accident Lawsuit
If you have been injured in a car accident, whether physically injured or financially injured or both, and the car accident was caused by the negligence of another party, you can sue that other party for your damages. Whether the negligent party was another driver,...
36 Million Pounds of Soybeans Sent to CA Fraudulently Labeled “Organic”
Californians helped popularize the movement towards organic food in order to improve health by limiting the number of pesticides and other artificial ingredients in their food. As a result, consumers across the state have become more willing to pay higher prices for...
How Do I Prove Neglect in a CA Elder Abuse Lawsuit Against a Nursing Home?
Too many older adults in California suffer physical injuries, illnesses, and pain and suffering due to neglect that they endure in the nursing homes that are charged with taking care of them. If a senior citizen has experienced neglect due to the actions of a nursing...
Who Can I Sue in a Truck Accident?
Truck accidents are a deadly scourge in the Inland Empire of California and across the country, as the unreasonable demands of trucking companies, negligent driving habits, and the sheer force of an 18-wheeler barreling down our freeways, highways, and byways too...
Can a Pregnant Employee Be Fired in California?
There is no good time to get fired from your job, but being fired while you are pregnant may in fact be the worst possible time, especially if you are counting on the income to pay for the increased costs of child care. Employees who are pregnant in California are...